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Your Gateway
to Business Connections in Merritt & District

Become a Vendor for Friday Night Market  

Please fill out the membership application which will allow you to participate in all 2024 night markets. 

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About Us 

Established in 1906 - before the City of Merritt's incorporation - the Merritt & District Chamber of Commerce represents over a century of commitment to growth and development in the Nicola Valley. During this time, the Chamber has worked diligently to connect local business owners and organizations with resources and each other, established long-standing community programs and promoted their vision of a valley that's stronger together. 

Membership Perks 


Connecting Professionals in Merritt & District 


Helping you access available grants and funding


Feature member directory 


Access to Chamber events

Member-only Savings

Specials member-to-member Discounts 


Merritt & District Chamber of Commerce Scholarship

Commencing in 2024, the Merritt & District Chamber of Commerce will award four annual $500 scholarships to students beginning or continuing their education toward a degree, diploma, or certificate at a public post-secondary institution in Canada.

Applications must be received before June 1st, 2024


Contact Us

PO Box 1649
4100 Belshaw St, Merritt, BC
V1K 0A5

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